15 Oct

Lyrics of this song is available in Englsih Transliteration.The video of this song is available from youtube.Lyrics of this song is also available in Hindi.Shree 420 songs raaga.Average rating of songs and number of votes by visitors of HindiGeetMala.Only audio (No Video) of this song is available from youtube.Navigation Help / Guide.If there are more than one song from a movie, you may also find playlist (play all songs with one click) of all the songs of that movie.On all movie pages, a list of all the songs from that particular movie are there with basic information about the movie.Further, you can click on any name or category in the above list to see list of songs of that particular person or category.You can click the song heading in above list to view video, and lyrics of the song.No Lyrics are available right now. The lyrics will be added in due course.

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