15 Oct

Note that some lyrics are either an instrumental song or a song with vocalizations instead of lyrics. Enya often uses this kind of nonsense language to enhance the music. These vocalizations are not words, hence there are no lyrics.Is this really an Enya song? There are some songs mistakenly attributed to Enya, like "Harry's Game" (by Clannad) or "Adiemus". Sometimes people think that they have heard Enya singing on the soundtrack of Gladiator or Titanic too. A list of mislabeled songs can be found in the Enya Forum.All Enya songs: Complete list.Enya Lyrics.This is a extensive list of all Enya songs . The titles are listed here in alphabetical order. Find the song and click in it's album name. If the song is not in an album, it is in a single, soudtrack, etc.Tip: use the "Find in the page" function of your brower (pressing together Ctrl + F ) to find the song you're looking for.

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