15 Oct

Last week, I took my Journalism students on a field trip to the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications. We toured everything from the news room to several different control rooms. The grand finale of the tour was the opportunity to view a live news broadcast. Certainly, this was an eye-opening experience for these middle school students, introducing them to many exciting career possibilities. I took over 100 photos that day, but there is one that stands out in my mind. Although it is not the most conventional photograph, the message in the photo makes all the difference. As we walked through the campus, I noticed someone had written in duct tape on the side of a trash can: “You’re loved.”Just as I was reminded that day of the love God has for us, I want to remind you now of just how very much you are loved! You are loved unconditionally by God himself. But the love God has for us surpasses any other love in the history of mankind. He loved us so much that he gave his only Son as a ransom for us. I John 4:10 (NIV) says, “ This is love : not that we love d God, but that he love d us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. ”Should have loved you more mp3.

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