Each color red, green, blue has available a manual control for the background brightness and a CV input with attenuator that enables the dynamic brightness controlled by other control voltages of the modular system.40 by Dieter Doepfer himself, filmed a few weeks ago at SchneidersLaden Berlin.PatchPierre Menu. Module A-197-3 is a control unit for RGB LED stripes.Last time they announced the 4 x USB eurorack power supply, and now this one .to the inner edges of the cases A-100P6 P9 PMS6 PMS9 PMS12 to illuminate the modules and patching statically or dynamically.a blog dedicated to analogue synthesis, my Doepfer A-100 Modular and other Eurorack Gear.The LED stripe is glued e.For example 3 envelopes can be used which also control the loudness or filtering of sound processing modules.LFO, random voltages, clock gate trigger signals, sequencer, Midi-to-CV.Edit 7 1 2019 Added Video The module is shown in action around 6.But even other control applications are possible, e.Saturday, November 10, 2018.Doepfer A-197-3 Controller for RGB LED Stripes.Especially during live events the dynamic illumination in sync with the sound is an eye-catcher.